Autodesk HotNews


Hotnews is one of the biggest and oldest Romanian news websites. It focuses on current affairs, politics, and finance. It publishes news, videos, interviews, and opinion pieces. HotNews is Romania’s leading source of news. It was established in 1991 and has more than one million subscribers. The site is available in Romanian and English, and it has a wide variety of content.

Users of SAP solutions can subscribe to HotNews through SAP Solution Manager. They can choose to receive updates that relate to their specific areas of interest, such as new modules or bug fixes. They can also subscribe to Important Notes, which explain new features in SAP products. This newsletter can be a valuable resource for SAP operations teams.

HotNews is a controversial format, but it has legitimate uses. The term was first coined in 1918, when the Supreme Court ruled against a competing wire service for copying articles by AP reporters in Europe without proper attribution. This decision helped popularize the concept of “hot news,” which has been used ever since. Nevertheless, copyright laws still apply to content published on the Internet.

AUGI members can subscribe to HotNews via their MY AUGI profile. They can choose the topics they want to receive and how often they want to receive updates. Once subscribed, they will receive the latest edition of the newsletter each month. HotNews contains news and articles, as well as special offers from Autodesk.

HotNews is Romania’s oldest news website, and it’s a popular resource for current affairs, finance, and politics. It publishes news, videos, and opinion pieces. While its content is written in Romanian, it’s accessible to readers from other countries. Subscribers can opt to receive updates via email, RSS, or a downloadable PDF of the latest news.